Page 36 - Port of Hamburg | Port of Hamburg Magazine 1.2023
P. 36

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        : © HHM / Hasenpusch Productions
Welcome on board: AKF
AKF is one of Europe’s leading suppliers of packaging and logistics solutions. FoundedinHamburgin1886inHamburg,AKF–or ‘AltonaBoxFactoryAd- olf Siemers’ – now offers over 130 years of experience with industrial and ex- port freight. This long-established company is the one to approach for B2B packing, contract logistics and transport. In 2019 ‘akf siemers hamburg’ was taken over and integrated in the AXXUM Group as AKF. Its core competence
is packing. AKF’s own water channel on the Müggenburger Canal enables it to offer flexible heavy-lift and special equipment transport by barge or other inland waterway craft. (sh)
From coal-fired power station to hydrogen site
HEnW – Hamburger Energiewerke – Hamburg’s municipal power supplier – acquired the former coal-fired power station at Moorburg from owner Vat- tenfall on 1 March. In the wake of Germany’s phase-out of coal, following just six years in operation the facility was decommission in July 2021. Ham- burger Energiewerke now aims to construct a hydrogen infrastructure based in Moorburg. A great variety of components of the previous thermal power station are set to be used to supply the city in future on the basis of renewable energy. Including HEnW, a group of companies is far advanced with planning for a 100-megawatt electrolysis plant. This should boost Hamburg as a leading hydrogen site. Saskia Haßkamp (sh)
© AKF GmbH

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