Page 38 - Port of Hamburg | Port of Hamburg Magazine 1.2023
P. 38

Wholly dedicated to filming
HHM’s Digital & Live team is completely immersed in video production and live transmission. Its online and streaming events plus video shoots aim to position the Port of Hamburg on the Internet.
 HHM – Port of Hamburg Marketing’s team made full use of the Corona period. Novel formats emer- ged for putting the Port of Hamburg on the map. Its head office meanwhile houses a professional studio where online conferences can be streamed live. This year, the programme also features four events under the rubric ‘PORTtalk live’. It also features va- rious members’ meetings. In addition, a record number of participants were able to follow HHM’s annual press conference in hybrid form. All over the world, live streaming and in-person attendance proceeded in parallel.
The PORTtalk rubric is another flourishing area. Whether in planning, filming, cutting or publicizing, the PORTtalk team is constantly on duty to offer ex- citing port-related topics in a professional format to its audience. To the fore here are members, part- ners in the port and politicians. Over 30 videos ha- ve been made during the past two years. These in- cluded an image film for inland waterway shipping. In addition, the HHM team is at the disposal of any members wishing to put their companies on the map.
These films are released on the home page hafen- and on all the main social media chan- nels. Through LinkedIn, Instagram and Co. alone, HHM reaches over 50,000 followers. (red)
The Hafen Hamburg Marketing (HHM) team at the „shoot“.
   Published by: Hafen Hamburg Marketing e.V. ■ Editorial supervision issue March 2023: Ralf Johanning,
Hafen Hamburg Marketing e. V.
■ Production issue December: ELBREKLAME Marketing und Kommunikation EMK GmbH,
Holländische Reihe 8, 22765 Hamburg, ■ Layout issue March 2023: ELBREKLAME GmbH
■ Printers issue March 2023: Beisner Druck GmbH & Co. KG ■ Advertising issue March 2023: Holger Grabsch, ELBREKLAME GmbH ■ English adaption issue March 2023: T + S Team
Signed articles do not necessarily reflect the editors’ views. No responsibility is accepted for unsolicited photographs or manuscripts received. An online version of the MAGAZINE is available in our mediathek at
Please send details of any changes of address or requests for additional copies to us at:
Port of Hamburg Marketing, Tel: +49 40 37709 0, E-Mail:
 © HHM

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