Page 35 - Port of Hamburg | Port of Hamburg Magazine 1.2023
P. 35

 2022 Hamburg has supported the new ‘Urban Logistic Contact Point’ as part of its Logistics Initiative. As a pu- blic-private partnership with more than 500 member companies and institutions in the logistics sector in the Hamburg Metropolitan Region, this could facilitate the desired networking. In that context, the simplification of communication with and between the authorities and borough offices is an important task for the central coordination point. For the broad spectrum of urban lo- gistics in Hamburg, which also already covers alterna- tive delivery schemes, micro-hubs, bike logistics, and also stopping and parking, these topics and the very differing interests of the players will run together in the central contact point. Joint action should enable solu- tions and ideas on implementation to emerge. These will facilitate initiation of projects and the introduction and adoption of lasting and sustainable solutions.
To actively contribute to Hamburg projects is also part of the work here. The EU-funded projects ‘DECARBO- MILE’ and ‘MOVE21’ provide one example. The DE- CARBOMILE project requires an electrically-driven craft – also serving as a micro-hub – to be tested as an
emission-free means of transport for inner city parcel delivery by water. Here again, delivery along the last mile is to be aboard cargo bikes. The routine is similar with MOVE21, its special feature being the multimodal use of it.
Alternative transport
and delivery concepts for the last mile.
These are just very few examples for the various pro- jects based on micro-hubs and already in operation in Hamburg. Activities related to automated delivery, Box as a collection point, Smala smart delivery and load zo- nes, as well as a large number of start-ups, will sustai- nably improve last-mile logistics. (red)

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