Page 27 - Port of Hamburg | Port of Hamburg Magazine 1.2023
P. 27

 Hamburg is the first city to test autonomous truck transport from the motorway to the terminal area of the port. This forms part of the TAVF – Test Stretch for Au- tomated and Networked Driving. The technology em- ployed is based on standardized IT-G5 technology that has already been tested for several years. HPA is ba- cking the project as an Associate Partner.
Similarly, the port/transport group HHLA – Hafen Hamburg und Logistik AG, with core business of handling containers and transporting these between the port and the hinterland, has also specialized in linking places, businesses and people. The aim is to improve what exists and to become more efficient. For this, HHLA has set up the HHLA Next company as an innovation unit for pursuing digitalization and sustainability in maritime logistics.
The objective is to use ideas to create successful products and business models. That is achieved in the form of own developments, in cooperation with
partners, or through investments in innovative com- panies. Already launched are such products as ‘mo- dility’, for example, a digital placement portal for in- termodal transport, or iSAM, a software for process automation in cargo and container handling, as well as Heyport, a platform for notification and coordina- tion of ship calls, or HHLA Sky, a drone control con- sole that can simultaneously manage and remotely control more than 100 drones.
Independent of any shipping companies, the Euroga- te container terminal and logistics group Eurogate, also a vital element of processes within the Port of Hamburg, regards digital networking as highly im- portant. Eurogate may not have any digitalization projects of its own but the company invariably joins others in striving to promote progress there. The aim is common to all these companies: Processes in the port need to be speeded up, waiting times reduced, and unnecessary runs avoided. All those involved in the transport chain will gain.
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