Page 29 - Port of Hamburg | Port of Hamburg Magazine 1.2023
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that possesses a very high storage capacity for hy- drogen, will be transported to the Port of Hamburg in liquified gas tankers. In addition, the Blumensand quayside will be altered, with the terminal being equipped with loading stations for both liquified and gaseous hydrogen, as well as a range of pipe- line connections for ammonia and hydrogen. Over and above this, there will be ‘ammonia crackers’ to convert hydrogen back out of ammonia.
According to the Mabanaft spokeswoman, the precise start of operations in 2026 “depends mainly on complet- ing the approval process” for the new facilities, among other things by BUKEA – Hamburg Ministry for the Envi- ronment, Climate, Energy and Agriculture. Mabanaft is currently compiling the application documentation.
At the beginning of March 2022, BWI published its strategy: “Hamburg as a hub for hydrogen imports to Germany and Europe”. Together with HPA, it is cur- rently developing the import infrastructure in the port area. “This should ensure that hydrogen imports will be available in adequate quantities from approximate-
ly 2030,” states BWI spokesman Martin Helfrich. At the latest by the end of the legislative period at the be- ginning of 2025, all nine of the strategy’s action items should have been implemented – they are “being con- tinually worked on”, adds Helfrich. “Hydrogen as a source of energy is not ‘reaching for the stars’ but,” as he makes clear, “is rather already firmly planned in at numerous locations, with excavators already on the move in many infrastructure projects.”
Hamburg Senate has negotiated cooperation agree- ments with various producing countries for the inter- national hydrogen industry’s European hub. Studies estimate that in 2030, between 43 and 70 percent of
Hamburg as hub for German and European hydrogen imports

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