Page 25 - Port of Hamburg | Port of Hamburg Magazine 1.2023
P. 25

 HHLA ensuring greater efficiency with new digital processes
ars via the Dakosy application portal with the epony- mous Hamburg IT service provider. Yet the situation should improve even more: HPA – Hamburg Port Au- thority managing the port infrastructure and Dakosy that digitalizes logistics processes in the Port of Hamburg, are currently creating a digital test plat- form.
Along with the Santana project – or Service and Da- ta Network Port of Hamburg – the aim is to create a joint ‘Network of Networks’. In its wake, digital ser- vice ranges, data and information from all the play- ers in transport processes in the port and its hinter- land will be made more accessible via a joint marketplace. “The Santana network will be develo- ped as a product open to technology and free of discrimination. It will serve to ensure smooth ex- change of data and information,” explains Dr. Phan- thian Zuesongdham, Head of HPA’s Digital and Busi- ness Transformation Unit. “Everybody involved in
Aiming to create a joint ‘network of networks’
the transport chain should profit from this,” adds Evelyn Eggers, a senior manager for Dakosy.
Dakosy has operated the Port Community System, or PCS, in the Port of Hamburg since 1982. More than 2,000 companies and public bodies are now connected. Thanks to the good situation on data, this facilitates rapid and transparent clearance pro- cedures for all companies and public agencies. De- tailed status tracking enables follow-up processes to be triggered precisely and automatically.
“The Port of Hamburg as a ‘weekend port’ – in coas- tal slang this refers to the container shipping compa- nies’ preference for calling the port at weekends – profits enormously here,” says Eggers. Even before a ship’s arrival, for example, movement clerks can pre- pare Customs declarations that are then automati- cally activated by Dakosy platforms. “The next par-
stronghold aims to pioneer and initiate new solu- tions. The aim is to boost competitiveness, optimize processes in the port and its hinterland, to operate more sustainably and use resources more efficiently. Several digitalization projects in the port have alrea- dy contributed their share.
Private enterprise logistics and many government agencies – including the river police, Customs and the Veterinary Office – have been linked for many ye-

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