Page 26 - Port of Hamburg | Port of Hamburg Magazine 1.2023
P. 26

ties in the supply chain can be notified accordingly, further transport can follow immediately, and no time is lost,” she stresses.
Dakosy’s depth and breadth of data on import and export processes is the basis for more intensive inter- locking of the two networks, i.e. between the logis- tics involved and HPA, responsible for infrastructure and traffic management. Road transport is one ex- ample. At the request of the terminals, Dakosy has set up the Truckgate platform for slot bookings. So- me years ago, HPA for its part introduced DIVA – dy- namic data on traffic volume – designed to help im- prove the traffic situation in the port. Enormous data panels along the main roads, and the internet, brief truckers, not only on state of the traffic, but also not only on the current situation on bottlenecks, closures and bridge openings.
The data generated by detectors all combines in HPA’s Port Road Management Center, which analy-
Further current digitization projects
Pilot start for IDP Systems ImpalaID
With ImpalaID, Dakosy is currently establishing a unified digi- tal ID card or proof of identity for logistics, assisting those in- volved in the business such as trucking companies to easily prove their identity at various logistics hubs. This applies not only to registering in an app or IT application, but also to au- thentication at barriers and gate systems in the port area. Pi- lot operations have already started.
Expanding TruckGate to further participants
The TruckGate booking system to arrange delivery and collec- tion slots is already obligatory in the Port of Hamburg at the HHLA and Eurogate Terminals, numerous empty container de- pots, the Veterinary Office and Customs container inspection unit. This year another port company, HCS empty container terminal will be integrated. For the more than 400 integrated trucking companies, this means unified processes throughout the port.
Digital clearance process with German Ports
On their platforms Dakosy and dbh Logistics IT have develo- ped the preconditions for a completely digitalized clearance process, for the major seaports of Hamburg, Bremerhaven and Wilhelmshaven. This service, now being made available in the seaports, facilitates calling up container and vessel informati- on over and above your own location.
Information at:
ses traffic flows, sorts these via the video equipment and accordingly switches on the data panels for DI- VA. All the data revealed in this way can be fed via in- terfaces into the truckers’ apps and also into move- ment clerks’ systems. This aids planning with real-time data. To the extent that when driving past, truckers are in all probability simply unable to absorb all the data displayed, this makes sense.
“Under Santana, we have defined new services, for example data on how many trucks are found where and at what time, to enable HPA to shape traffic flow more efficiently by delaying bridge opening times or using traffic lights,” says Eggers. Increased transpa- rency for truckers on free parking places is one aim, so that in future they will no longer have to cruise around in search of these, which costs valuable time. Projects partners frequently make only minor adjust- ments that they nevertheless hope will make a major impact.
All this serves to make multimodal processes in the port faster and more transparent. The Santana mar- ketplace, offering players a simple overview of availa- ble data and services, should also ensure this trans- parency, “Open interfaces and simpler access for industry and science should promote development of service and product innovation, tested in realistic conditions and specifically integrated to optimize port operation,” adds Zuesongdham.
With a total budget of around 15 million euros, the project commenced in January 2022. It is 80 percent funded by the Federal government and will run until June 2024. In the first year, the focus was initially on bringing own platforms, networks and services up to scratch, and swapping notes on the applications and services from HPA and Dakosy, the two network sup- pliers. “As the project continues, this should produce new joint services,” explains Eggers.
Eggers sees the added value of the digital test plat- form as being that those responsible for the two net- works are speaking to one another and discovering their strengths and weaknesses. This clarifies just who tackles which tasks. Or which suppliers which data. “On the other hand, that also means that the networks as such will be strengthened, and coopera- tion, always excellent and successful, will once again be raised to a new level.”
A further emphasis in digitalization is on highly automa- ted driving. At CTA – Container Terminal Altenwerder, for instance, AGVs – Automated Guided Vehicles have been in operation for years. With the MODI project,

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