Page 23 - Port of Hamburg | Port of Hamburg Magazine 1.2023
P. 23

                efficiency of freight transport along Trans-European Transport Corridors -TEN-V in the North Sea region. This “North Sea Region Connect“ project aims to promote intelligent, intermodal and sustainable freight transport growth in the region. A wide variety of pilot applications are being developed there. One of these is being implemented by HPA – Hamburg Port Authority in Europe’s largest rail port. About 200 freight trains per day use the port rail network in Hamburg. Coordination of freight traffic represents a corresponding challenge. So HPA expanded the cen- tral Rail Port Community System by a plan data structure catering for several intermodal seaport ter- minals. Each terminal may still retain its individual planning system. This produces further digitalization and enhanced efficiency for rail freight transport.
The Blue Supply Chains project assists port au- thorities and operators to implement steps to- wards decarbonizing ports in the longer term. The
project pursues various approaches. Where possi- ble, for example, it will find solutions facilitating in- creased electrification of the port’s cargo-han- dling equipment. A further aim will be to develop strategies for the storage and handling of alterna- tive fuels. The project plan also features promotion of more environment-friendly chains into the hin- terland. The emphasis there is on expanding inter- modal services.
Under this project, Stena Line, Rostock Port, modili- ty, the Study Group for Multimodal Services and the Port of Trelleborg are working on improving integra- tion of the Rostock-Trelleborg ferry link in intermodal transport chains. The two are ports of call for the last rail ferries still in operation on the Baltic. At the same time, this link and the port system represent signifi- cant infrastructural redundancy vis-à-vis the rail link between Scandinavia and elsewhere in the continent of Europe.

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