Page 31 - Port of Hamburg | Port of Hamburg Magazine 1.2023
P. 31

ed there and trucking companies will have considera- ble demand by 2030. Resulting from a feasibility study in March last year, BWI and BUKEA gave the go ahead for an electrolysis plant for the production of green hy- drogen on the site of the decommissioned coal-fired power plant at Moorburg. As its ‘primary aim’ BWI spokesman Helfrich called for a “Nucleus for the pro- duction, distribution and exploitation of green hydro- gen in Hamburg.” From 2025, an initial output of 100 megawatts appears realistic. In years to come this should scale up to a planned roughly 800 megawatts.
Moreover, according to HHLA spokeswoman Hamann, the first working groups have started “with the devel- opment of various concepts for the application and supplying of hydrogen-driven equipment in the port and heavy-lift logistics.” A hydrogen-filling station or- dered from Linde Engineering at the end of January “is currently under construction”, along with appropriate handling equipment. The concepts developed in the Clean Port & Logistics Cluster for operating, safety, maintenance & repair and refuelling equipment will, ac-
cording to the HHLA spokeswoman, “probably be tri- alled and optimized in the second half of this year in daily business.”
With its HyPA – Hydrogen Port Applications project, HPA is equally setting an accent on providing hydro- gen-filling stations, but here for locomotives, vessels and trucks, as well as the construction and implementa- tion of hydrogen-powered vessels. The HPA subsidiary, Flotte Hamburg with some 50 city-owned craft is, in the words of its managing director Karsten Schönewald, currently planning a “test-bed for hydrogen-driven craft”. Initially hybrid dual-fuel motors for diesel and hy- drogen should be implemented “as a bridge to 100 per- cent hydrogen.” Feasibility studies are already being car- ried out with manufacturers. Schönewald considers it realistic that the first barge will be hydrogen-driven in Hamburg in three years. For the international shipping industry, Hapag-Lloyd and Mabanaft are jointly working on the potential for clean ammonia bunkers – in and around the Port of Hamburg with its eye-catching Blu- mensand, among other places.
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