
Cargo Handling

  • Germany's largest universal port has a seaborne cargo throughput of 114.3 million tons for 2023.

    • Seaborne Cargo Handling

      Seaborne Cargo Handling

      The seaborne cargo handling figures represent all imported and exported seaborne cargo.

    • Bulk Cargo Handling

      Bulk Cargo Handling

      Goods such as ore, coal, building materials, grain, fertilisers or mineral oil products are handled a bulk cargo in maritime transport.

    • Conventional general cargo

      Conventional general cargo

      The handling of conventional general cargo (incl. RoRo) is a specialised handling area with correspondingly high added value in the port.

Container Handling

  • A total of 7.7 million TEU crossed quay walls in the Port of Hamburg in 2023.

    • Container Handling

      Container Handling

      Containers are increasingly shaping the image of the Port of Hamburg. Container handling has been the dominant segment here for years.

    • Container Handling by Trade Areas

      Container Handling by Trade Areas

      Worldwide shipping connections and the global flow of goods bring container traffic to Hamburg.

    • Top 10 Trading Partners in Seaborne Container Traffic

      Top 10 Trading Partners, Container

      Traditionell führt China auch im Jahr 2023 mit 2,2 Millionen TEU (-12,0 Prozent) die Top-10 Liste der Partnerländer Hamburgs im Containerumschlag an. Auf Platz

Facts & Figures

    • Modal Split in hinterland transports

      Modal Split in hinterland Traffic

      Sea and hinterland transports are closely linked. As Europe's largest railway port, the Port of Hamburg plays its trump card here.

    • Port Railway Transport Volume

      Port Railway Transport Volume

      The Hamburg port railway is the shunting, transfer and waiting area between the terminals' handling facilities, the connectors and the hinterland.

    • Barge Transport Volume

      Transport Volume by Inland Waterway Vessel

      The Port of Hamburg is one of the most important inland ports in Germany. Here, too, investments are being made and the waterway network is being expanded.

Facts & Figures

    • Vessel Calls

      Vessel Calls

      Vessel calls in the past two years, broken down by ship type.

    • Ultra Large Container Ships

      Ultra Large Container Ships

      Calls by Megamax container ships with more than 18,000 TEU continued to increase in 2023.