   35 erwartete Schiffe

WEC Lines launches fast weekly call between Hamburg und Portugal

18 Sep 2024 15:17 Shipping News

As from September 23rd, WEC Lines adds Hamburg to its NWC-Portugal service. With this new addition, Dutch shipping liner and owner establishes a fast weekly sailing route from Hamburg to Leixões and Setúbal in Portugal. By departing from Hamburg on Sundays and arriving in Leixões on Saturdays and Setúbal on Mondays, this service offers an eco-friendly alternative to truck transport from Germany into Portugal.

The ports of call include Hamburg, Rotterdam, Antwerp, Montoir, Leixões, and Setubal, forming a well-connected bridge between these vital trade hubs. The new weekly service will be performed by two dedicated 1,000-TEU vessels in a 14-day fixed day rotation, with optimal short sea and hinterland linkages, provide customers with a heightened level of flexibility and efficiency.

“By adding Hamburg to our short sea services, we offer a fast and reliable solution for our Portuguese clients into Northwestern Europe and vice versa”, stated Caesar Luikenaar, Managing Director WEC Lines. “This underlines our commitment to respond to market demand while offering continued optimal solutions for our existing client base.

WEC Lines launches call between Hamburg und Portugal I

Press contact

Eva Rademaker-de Leeuw
Marketing & Communications WEC Lines
E-Mail: press@weclines.com