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Universal authentication app developed for logistics

10 Jul 2023 13:00 Digitalization

The Hamburg-based software provider DAKOSY has developed a new universal authentication app for logistics called ImpalaID. The system is equally accessible to all companies and institutions and helps users with barrier-free and secure legitimization via a secured QR code. The pilot phase is now being launched in the Port of Hamburg. The first participants are the empty container depot Hamburger Container Service (HCS) as well as the Veterinary Office Border Control.

“The new ImpalaID app fills a significant gap for secure and uniform authentication at an assortment of logistic hubs, for example at barriers or gate systems in the port area,” explains Nicolai Port, head of the intermodal transport solutions department at DAKOSY. In the future, trucking companies will have the option to register with various parties such as terminals, deport or slot booking processes, all from a single app.

Technologically speaking, ImpalaID is a central Identity Provider System (IDP-System) for logistics. This means that users (for example, truckers) can store a central ID in the IDP system, which they can then use with a range of IDP services (terminals, apps, online platforms) to register and authenticate themselves. The initial registration takes place online. Varying levels of authentication depending on necessary requirements can be stored (i.e. type and number of ID documents to be checked) and will be periodically reviewed and verified.

After successful legitimization, the user receives a secured QR code in the ImpalaID app with which they can transmit their user information to respective applications. “A major focus of the software programming was data security. This is achieved through a secure authentication process, which also requires periodic renewals of the verification of identity. Additionally, the app is further verified by the registered mobile device (including biometric security, if applicable). This prevents the passing on of data to third parties,” clarifies Port.

Pilot users benefit from barrier-free access for all user groups
The first two pilot user groups, the empty container depot Hamburger Container Service (HCS) as well as the Veterinary Office Border Control, both aim to achieve the same goals through using the app. Both want all drivers to be registered and pre-announced before their arrivals. This was not previously possible. Not every driver is able to use the physical legitimization certificate (called “Truckerkarte”) currently being used in Port of Hamburg.

HCS: 10 percent without truck pre-announcement
At HCS – with nearly 200,000 annual gate movements and up to 1,000 trucks being handled every day – approximately 10 percent of truckers arrive without registration and therefore without pre-announcement, estimates owner Dr. Roland Karnbach. “Some of the independent truckers who are contracted to deliver empty containers between the depots and the hinterland don’t have access to the Truckerkarte. With the previous procedure, only trucking companies who make calls at the Hamburg container terminals could participate,” notes Karnbach.

Using ImpalaID, HCS is currently implementing digital authentication as an alternative to the Truckerkarte. In the future, drivers will be able to use ImpalaID to register on the Truckgate web platform, then use the QR code at the HCS depot for legitimization of their pickups or deliveries of empty containers. Karnbach is convinced by the quick and easy identification procedure combined with the comprehensive protection against data misuse. “In the context of increasing digitalization along with the high security requirements of maritime cargo shipping, we need a uniform identification process throughout the entire port area,” maintains Karnbach.

Test run at the Veterinary Office: slot booking for non-container cargo
The Veterinary Office Border Control authority wants to test ImpalaID with the truck slot booking procedure which currently runs via the Truckgate web platform. For background: since 2019, truckers with container cargo have been able to book an online time slot for inspection at the two inspection sites in the Port of Hamburg. But an important part of cargo hasn’t been addressed. This is the goods not shipped in containers. Dr. Bettina Gerulat, director of the Veterinary Office Border Control in Hamburg, describes the current situation: “Truckers with non-containerized goods arrive without pre-announcement at the inspection centers. This leads due to increased volumes in this segment of cargo to additional work and waiting times.”

The new options for digital authorization offered by ImpalaID are intended to allow all transporters to be able to book a time slot. For this purpose, a second login precedure with ImpalaID is provided in the Truckgate web platform as an alternative to the Truckerkarte. Gerulat says the goal is that no goods arrive at the Veterinary Office without pre-announcement. Additional benefits include the total optimization of daily inspection capacities through time slot bookings, no unnecessary allotment of resources for unplanned deliveries, and the avoidance of waiting times.

Using ImpalaID, the container depot HCS is implementing digital authentication as an alternative to the Truckerkarte (trucker card).

Press contact

Katrin Woywod

Dakosy Press Spokesperson

Phone: +49 (40) 37003320

E-Mail: woywod@dakosy.de