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Steffen Bauer appointed COO of Shipping business unit at Imperial

03 Feb 2017 17:11 Personnel matters

Steffen Bauer (36) took over the position of Chief Operating Officer (COO) in the Shipping business unit with effect from 1 February 2017. He will be responsible for the strategic management of the Shipping business unit together with Jens Kleiner (Chief Financial Officer) in future and particularly forge ahead with developing the operations of the national and international barge, dry, tank and short sea shipping units. His responsibilities and position as Director of the Road business unit are not affected by this. “We’re reinforcing the management team in the Shipping business unit with an experienced expert in the shape of Steffen Bauer, who has already proved his strategic management skills on many occasions,” says Carsten Taucke, CEO of Imperial Logistics International. Bauer, who has a degree in business administration, has held various management positions at Imperial since February 2004. He was most recently CSO (Chief Strategy Officer) in the Shipping business unit.


Steffen Bauer appointed COO of Shipping business unit at Imperial

Press contact

Imperial Logistics International B.V. & Co. KG
Claus Grimm
Senior Specialist Press & External Communication
Telefon +49 203 3188-7551