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Port of Hamburg Marketing and Northern Chamber of Commerce (NCC) in Szczecin agree cooperation

17 Jun 2015 12:43 Economy

The Port of Hamburg’s marketing organisation and the Northern Chamber of Commerce (NCC) in Szczecin, the largest chamber in Poland, have formalized their cooperation. NCC chamber president Dariusz Wiecaszek and Port of Hamburg Marketing Executive Board Member Ingo Egloff met in Szczecin to sign a cooperation agreement on 10 June. The two organizations will in future be working closely together on organizing foreign trade and transport events. Exchanging experience on a regular basis, they will also be informing each other on developments in seaborne foreign trade and on questions related to efficient transport routes for Poland‘s exports and imports. Against the background of further rising rail freight volumes between Poland’s centres of economic activity and the Port of Hamburg, for Dariusz Wiecaszek and Ingo Egloff one important topic in transport policy is the modernization and expansion of infrastructure. They aim to join forces in devoting special attention to this when planning events.

“Accelerating economic growth in Poland presents the Port of Hamburg with fresh challenges to provide high-performance transport links with the country. I am delighted that we are expanding our network of cooperation partners by agreeing this cooperation with NCC in Poland. With more than 1500 companies represented by NCC plus our own international network, for both organizations we are extending our presence in the market regions of relevance for us and offering our member firms a host of new business contacts,” says Ingo Egloff. 

Dariusz Wiecaszek welcomed the agreement and foresees common ground in many approaches to activities. “With this cooperation agreement we are underlining already excellent relations with Port of Hamburg Marketing’s representative office in Warsaw. Our aim is that joint information events as well as marketing and market research activities should enable us to create positive impulses for further development in the foreign trade sector and for freight transport. Cooperation with Port of Hamburg Marketing also opens up completely new prospects internationally for our member firms,” says Dariusz Wiecaszek. 

Further growth in foreign trade between Poland and the Port of Hamburg is also forecast in the recent survey  “Commercial services between the Port of Hamburg and Poland –  Prospects for the development of the Elbe/Oder Union of Chambers (KEO)”, commissioned by the Hamburg Chamber of Commerce along with Port of Hamburg Marketing, the Elbe/Oder Union of Chambers and HWWI – Hamburg Institute of International Economics – and presented to Polish partners at the 3rd International Maritime Congress in Szczecin. As this survey shows, in 2014 container traffic with Poland via the Port of Hamburg grew significantly. At 395,000 TEU, seaborne container handling was up by 22.6 percent on the previous year. Economic ties and transport routes between the Port of Hamburg and Poland are profiting in particular from significant economic growth in our neighbouring country. 

“In highlighting the relations between the Port of Hamburg and its connections with Poland, with this survey we are focusing attention on challenges in the area of economic activity centred on the Elbe and Oder estuaries. The cooperation now agreed with the NCC will assist us to be even more specific in bringing existing bottlenecks in transport infrastructure to the notice of politicians in both countries. At the same time, it will help companies with a high proportion of exports and imports to optimize their transport chains,” says Ingo Egloff.

Brief profile: The Northern Chamber of Commerce (NCC) based in Szczecin

The Chamber of Commerce founded in 1997 as a chamber to independently represent business in Szczecin now represents more than 1500 firms, making it one of Poland’s largest chambers. Activities of chamber members centre on a host of activities in the vocational and further training areas, the organization of information and networking events contributing towards building up new business contacts in Poland and abroad, including delegation trips and workshops.  

Vereinbarung Kooperation