>Hafen Hamburg
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Port of Hamburg Magazine appears with new look online and as print version

18 Mar 2015 14:36 Entertainment

Featuring a new concept and new layout, the Port of Hamburg Magazine 1.15 supplies many exciting stories all about the nautical accessibility of the Port of Hamburg, the work of pilots and the dispatch at port terminals. It takes the reader on a trip by ultra large container vessel from the North Sea via the Elbe River right into the Port of Hamburg, on a container gantry crane, on a tug boat at work, to the Seafarer’s Club ‘Duckdalben’ and many more. Explanatory graphics along with info boxes containing background information and photographs round out the magazine.

With the redesigned Port of Hamburg Magazine, Port of Hamburg Marketing provides numerous information of the maritime world of Germany’s largest universal port. Furthermore, daily news from the transport and port business are published on www.portofhamburg.com and the newsletter PORTnews.

The online version of the magazine also got a new look and is now available for flipping through in German and English – also via smartphone and tablet computer.


Online Page Flip version

Port of Hamburg Magazine 1.15