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Port Bronka supports Russian exporters and importers

17 Apr 2020 00:00 Economy

Port Bronka undertakes new extraordinary actions in supporting Russian participants in external economic activity suffering from the COVID-19 pandemic consequence. Additional yard area will be provided for storage of export and import goods. This allows to extend free time for export cargoes up to 60 days, and for import cargoes up to 30 days. Hence, all cargoes arriving to the port before May 15th, 2020 might be kept at the port yard twice longer without any additional charges for cargo owners.

This measure is focused on costs reduction for all participants of the supply chain, which would positively influence on availability and prices for goods for the end users.

“The logistics sector was among first one’s subjected influence of the pandemic. Suspension of production lines in many countries, decrease of the supply and the demand, break-downs in well-tooled transportation systems - all of this had caused an inadvertent increase of cargo idling in ports for further shipment,” said Mr. Nikita Murov, General Director of Bronka Group LLC. “Port Bronka has enough capacity and area, so we decided to support our customers during this tough time and provide additional storage area for cargoes”.

Bronka is the only deep-sea port of St. Petersburg capable to handle vessels up to 347 meters length, 50 meters wide and having full draft of 13 meters. The port specializes on transshipment of containers, rolling, break bulk and project cargo. It was launched into operation on December 15th, 2015.
The port Bronka handling capacity is 1.9 million TEU per year and 260 thousand units of rolling cargo.

Port Bronka supports Russian exporters and importers

Press contact

Port Bronka

49, Krasnoflotskoe highway
191124 Lomonosov, Saint-Petersburg

mail: info@port-bronka.ru
phone: +7 812 3092143