12 Jan 2016 10:23 Shipping News
On the 15th of December 2015 port Bronka investor Fenix LLC and one of the leading shipping companies CMA СGM signed a long-term agreement for handling and storage of container cargo. CMA CGM is the third largest container shipping company with a total fleet capacity of 1,807,298 TEU. The company serves more than 400 ports over the world and is one of the largest container shipping operators in St. Petersburg, including reefer containers.
Today CMA CGM calls at St. Petersburg under four regular services, connecting St. Petersburg through the European hub ports with all international routes. The calls at Port Bronka will be performed in accordance with a regular schedule with actually operated vessels with capacity up to 1,800 TEU.
Due to the approach channel and basin depth of 14.4 meters, the modern cargo handling equipment for post-Panamax vessels operations, and the design solutions Port Bronka for the nearest decades will stay the leading Russian port in the Baltic basin and can represent an attractive alternative to the hub ports for handling of the large container fleet. Long-term relations with the new port determined in the signed agreement will allow CMA CGM line sustainable improvement of the services and modernization of the operated fleet with new building of higher size ice class vessels delivered in 2016, including development of the new routes for shipments to Russia and entry to the new markets.
About the Port of Bronka
The deepwater Port of Bronka is on the outskirts of St. Petersburg and lies on the southern bank of the Gulf of Finland. The port is directly linked to the St. Petersburg orbital highway and the Russian rail network. The multi-functional cargo handling facility comprises two terminals plus a logistics centre. Covering 107 hectares, the container terminal offers five berths along quays extending 1,200 metres. The RoRo terminal covers 57 hectares, and with a quay length of 710 metres permits simultaneous handling of three ships. At the first stage of construction, handling capacity of the container terminal totals 1,450,000 TEU per year, plus 260,000 units at the RoRo terminal. A first-stage water depth of 14.4 meters enables the Port of Bronka to handle post-Panamax vessels.