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Michael Lütjann starts as new CIO at IMPERIAL Logistics International

11 Aug 2015 10:36 Personnel matters

With effect from August 1, 2015 Michael Lütjann (46) has taken over his new position as Chief Information Officer (CIO) of IMPERIAL Logistics International. He will report directly to Carsten Taucke, CEO of IMPERIAL Logistics International. The longstanding operational Head of IT, Sven Vogel, will report to Lütjann.

Michael Lütjann has been working in the field of information technology for nearly his entire professional career. In the past five years, for example, he was among others responsible for further development of the worldwide IT organisation at Schenker AG as Senior Vice President IT Management Logistics. Prior to that, he worked in the IT segment at logistics provider Fiege for more than twelve years and in the end held the position of IT Manager there.

At IMPERIAL Logistics International Michael Lütjann will boost the implementation of uniform IT standards and thus support IMPERIAL’s customers in further developing their digital value added processes. Lütjann is married and has to children.
„We are delighted about the fact that with Michael Lütjann, an experienced IT expert with a proven track record has joined our ranks. Expertise in information technology is one of the key factors for a logistics provider when competing for customers in industry and trade”, says CEO Carsten Taucke. Taucke announced that IMPERIAL Logistics International as a logistics specialist will become even more deeply involved in the networked value added processes of its clients in future. This would mean that IMPERIAL shall not only need maximum IT standards, but also extensive IT know-how.

„It is a delightful and exciting challenge for me to support the newly established corporate brand IMPERIAL Logistics International and the associated strategic change processes towards internal and external customers on the IT side“, says Michael Lütjann. (Photo: IMPERIAL)
IMPERIAL Logistics International B.V. & Co. KG
IMPERIAL Logistics International B.V. & Co. KG is a wholly owned subsidiary of the South African company, IMPERIAL Holdings Limited; the European company is responsible for coordinating and managing all the international logistics business of IMPERIAL Holdings Limited outside Africa. The varied portfolio of services at IMPERIAL Logistics International, which has its headquarters in Duisburg, is concentrated on two divisions: the Group pools the shipping, road and intermodal transport services in the IMPERIAL Transport Solutions division. The IMPERIAL Supply Chain Solutions division covers all the services related to third-party logistics, contract manufacturing and warehousing for the automotive, industrial, retail and chemicals. Acting together, the two divisions provide a complete and transparent range of services along the entire supply chain from one source. IMPERIAL Logistics International employs more than 8,000 people and generates turnover amounting to EUR 1.6 billion at 170 business locations.

Michael Lütjann

Press contact

Claus Grimm
Tel./Phone +49 203 5794-551 