Memorable start of construction on Fehmarn
09 Jan 2024 10:00 Hinterland
The Deutsche Bahn has begun the construction of the rail link to the "Fehmarnbelt Fixed Link". By the end of 2029, trains will be able to travel from Copenhagen through the Fehmarnbelt tunnel via Lübeck to Hamburg in just two and a half hours. The new rail link is the key connection between the Belt Tunnel, which connects Lolland in Denmark with the island of Fehmarn, and the mainland in Schleswig-Holstein. For freight transport between Northern Europe and Italy, this connection is essential to ensure the necessary modal shift to rail. A total of 88 kilometres of new rail track is being built on the German side between Puttgarden (on Fehmarn) and Lübeck. The joint commissioning is planned for the end of 2029.
A project that connects countries
Berthold Huber, Chief Infrastructure Officer at Deutsche Bahn, Schleswig-Holstein's Minister President Daniel Günther and State Secretary Susanne Henckel gave the official go-ahead on Fehmarn in December. "After years of planning, today we can celebrate the start of construction of the rail link here on Fehmarn. Together with our Danish partners, we are creating a new European rail link from Denmark via Germany to Italy in the middle of the Baltic Sea by 2029. This corridor is just as important for local and long-distance transport here in Schleswig-Holstein as it is for European freight transport," said Berthold Huber, Member of the Executive Board for Infrastructure at Deutsche Bahn. Schleswig-Holstein's Minister President Daniel Günther adds: "The start of construction of the rail link is an event that we have been working towards for a long time. With this cross-border transport project that connects countries, we are creating greater proximity between Denmark and Schleswig-Holstein, between the economy and especially between the people. The Fehmarnbelt Tunnel is a strong sign that Europe is moving closer together and staying together."
New European freight corridor to be created between Oslo and Palermo
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Michael-Ernst Schmidt
Press Spokesperson DB Cargo
Phone: +49 30 297 61180