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In the Spotlight: BSR Access Project Platform combines competences in the Baltic Sea Region

25 Sep 2019 11:56 Hinterland

Together with members and partners from science, business and administration, Port of Hamburg Marketing successfully takes part in tenders for EU- and nationally funded projects. Focus is put on current issues of transport policy, transport and process optimisation as well as modal shift actions towards more environmentally friendly modes. One of the on-going projects is the project platform BSR Access funded by the Intereg Baltic Sea Region (BSR) Programme.

Project platforms support cooperation among partners of existing projects and aim to increase impacts of EU-funded projects in the area. They ensure more intensive use, better durability and transferability of the projects’ outcomes.
The BSR Access platform facilitates innovative and sustainable transport by creating linkages between traditional infrastructure nodes and smart transport solutions to further develop the TEN-T Core Network Corridors and contributes to sustainable growth in the region. Synergies are created by collecting, benchmarking and disseminating the projects’ best practice cases in transport interoperability.

Participating in project platforms is only open for lead partners. Thus, Port of Hamburg Marketing represents the EMMA and EMMA Extension in the BSR Access partnership. Project EMMA, funded by the Interreg BSR Programme 2014—2020, has actively contributed to raising the awareness of the potential of inland navigation and giving inland waterway transport a stronger voice and better standing in EU policy and society. Several actions to develop inland shipping have recently taken place around the Baltic Sea Region. EMMA Extension builds on the EMMA projects’ analyses, results and recommendations. Inland navigation in logistics chains is one of the inadequately addressed topics that BSR Access adds competence to. More attention will be paid also to topics such as coherent alternative fuel models across national borders, aligning of long-haul transport with first and last mile delivery, and interdependencies between spatial and transport planning.

In addition to Port of Hamburg Marketing, BSR Access combines expertise from Interreg BSR projects NSB CoRe, TENTacle and Scandria®2Act as well as E12 Atlantica Transport of Interreg Botnia-Atlantica, FinEst Link of Interreg Central Baltic, and Green Regions with Alternative Fuels for Transport, funded by the EU Connecting Europe Facility. The lead partner of the BSR Access platform is Helsinki-Uusimaa Reginal Council (lead partner of NSB CoRe).
BSR Access is the first project and communication platform to combine viewpoints of three TEN-T European Coordinators (Scandinavian-Mediterranean, North Sea–Baltic and Baltic–Adriatic TEN-T core network corridors), EUSBSR Priority Area Transport and Horizontal Action Spatial Planning Coordinators as well as a wide community of public and private transport stakeholders.

In that capacity, BSR Access has already taken part in the 10th Annual Forum of the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region (EUSBSR), looking at circular and sharing economy as an answer to demographic changes and environmental challenges in the BSR. The high-level conference was held in Gdańsk from 12 to 13 June 2019. It was hosted by the Pomorskie Voivodeship together with Baltic Sea States Subregional Co-operation in close cooperation with the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, European Commission, Horizontal Action Capacity and the Let’s communicate project. BSR Access co-hosted a workshop together with VASAB (Vision and Strategies around the Baltic Sea) Secretariat on the question “What will demographic changes bring to BSR accessibility?”. At the seminar, Malla Paajanen representing BSR Access’ lead partner, stressed that the important task for future improvements in accessibility is to work on “silobreaking”, meaning the need for cross-sectoral integration. BSR Access aims to establish lasting mechanisms and to move from separated projects to processes to ensure knowledge transition and capacity.

By mid-2021, BSR Access will deliver status reports presenting good practice and transferable solutions in transport interoperability, policy and action proposals in corridor-related interoperability, position papers on streamlined planning for seamless access infrastructure to the TEN-T core network corridors as well as recommendations for new EU-funded projects and initiatives.

The BSR Access partnership will join an Expert Workshop and Open Forum from 9 to 10 October in Helsinki organized by the Conference of Peripheral Maritime Regions Baltic Sea Commission Transport Working Group in the context of TEN-T Guidelines consultation. The invitation went out to leading stakeholders in the EU transport strategy, including transport policy leaders, politicians and transport experts in regional authorities, Members of European Parliament and policy experts of the EU Strategy of the Baltic Sea Region. Henrik Hololei, Director General of DG MOVE, and Catherine Trautmann, European Coordinator of North Sea-Baltic core network corridor, will join the discussion on “Gaining and losing European cohesion in TEN-T”.

Registration for these events is now open – click here to register!
Download the invitation programme here.
Further information on cooperation projects that Port of Hamburg Marketing currently is involved in can be found here.

In the Spotlight: BSR Access Project Platform combines competences in the Baltic Sea Region