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homePORT - the HPA regulatory sandbox will serve as ITS fairground in the heart of the port

14 Sep 2021 11:18 Economy

The Container Campus "homePORT" opens just in time for the start of the ITS World Congress (11 - 15.10.2021).
homePORT is an innovation campus and urban maritime 'regulatory sandbox' located in the heart of the Port of Hamburg. Its aim is to provide innovative and ambitious port actors, science, technology companies and start-ups with a space to try things out, experiment and collaborate with other partners and actors.

In addition to a Container Campus, which serves as a focal point for the community, the regulatory sandbox also includes access to port infrastructures. As an "Urban Tech Playground", homePORT already offers a range of corresponding test areas on water, air and land.

During the ITS World Congress, homePORT will become dronePORT: Various drone demonstrations will take place daily on the exclusive demonstration area during the entire congress week. Whether flying, swimming or underwater drones, you can take a close look at everything and exchange ideas with the projects. In addition to the drones, there will be other exciting exhibitors and demonstrations on 3D printing and sensor technology.

If you don't have a ticket to the ITS Congress yet, the ITS Public Day on 14 October is a great alternative: on this day, the entire exhibition grounds, including homePORT, will be open to the public. You can register via this link: Programm zum ITS Public Day - hamburg.de.

More information about the location, the programme and the individual projects can be found on our website: ITS 2021 @ homePORT – homePORT

homePORT - the HPA regulatory sandbox will serve as ITS fairground in the heart of the port