- HHLA has been sole shareholder of Czech-German Metrans Group since 1 April,
- Peter Kiss appointed as new Chairman of the Metrans Executive Board,
- HHLA Chairwoman Angela Titzrath: Investment in new locomotives and modern wagon fleet will strengthen Metrans’ position further.
Hamburger Hafen und Logistik AG (HHLA) will strengthen and further expand its intermodal activities in the coming years through its rail subsidiary Metrans. The Chairwoman of the Executive Board, Angela Titzrath, confirmed this plan at an event in Dunajská Streda, where Metrans operates one of its five hub terminals. “The customers of Metrans value high quality, flexibility and close ties. Metrans makes a key contribution to HHLA’s logistical network,” said
HHLA Chairwoman Angela Titzrath. In a challenging market environment, HHLA will strengthen Metrans’ competitive position further by investing € 350 million by the year 2022.
On 1 April 2018, HHLA acquired the shares in the Metrans Group which were still held by the management, making it the sole shareholder. As part of this decision, the Supervisory Board of Metrans approved personnel changes at the helm of the Group. Peter Kiss was appointed as the new Chairman of the Executive Board. He has worked at the company since 1999 and has been part of the executive management of several Metrans companies in this time. Other members of the Executive Board are Martin Horinek (COO) and Pavel Pokorny (CFO).
The founder and previous CEO of the Metrans Group, Jiri Samek, will remain connected to Metrans in an advisory role.
Angela Titzrath presides over the Supervisory Board of Metrans and commented on the change in Chairman: “Without the energy and the many ideas put forward by Jiri Samek, without his forward-looking plans and perseverance in implementing them, the successful development of Metrans would not have been possible. The Supervisory Board is certain that Peter Kiss will perform the role of Chairman of the Executive Board as outstandingly as he did in his previous management positions, such as with the establishment of the hub terminal in Budapest, which commenced operations last year.”
HHLA integrated the Polish intermodal subsidiary Polzug and its businesses into the Metrans Group in recent months. Metrans transported over one million standard containers by rail in 2017 and operates 13 high-performance terminals in the European hinterland, five of which are central hub terminals. In order to enhance its value added, the company has been acquiring its own mainline and shunting locomotives for many years as well as innovative container wagons which it has developed itself. This, too, contributes to HHLA’s successful intermodal activities strategy.