12 Jun 2015 09:27 Economy
The Annual General Meeting of Hamburger Hafen und Logistik AG (HHLA) today resolved to distribute a dividend of € 0.52 per listed Class A share. This corresponds to a dividend payout ratio of 69.7 percent. The Executive and Supervisory Boards’ dividend proposal was ratified by 99.97 percent of the votes cast.
In his speech at the Annual General Meeting, Klaus-Dieter Peters – Chairman of HHLA’s Executive Board – emphasised that: “2014 was a successful year for HHLA. We were able to improve both our revenue and our operating result considerably. We set a new record for container throughput at the Port of Hamburg and saw very pleasing growth in container transport by our intermodal companies. This is all the more remarkable given that we once again faced a challenging operating environment. These results also confirm our vertical growth strategy, which benefits both our intermodal companies and quayside container handling.”
The shareholders endorsed the Executive and Supervisory Boards’ proposal and today agreed to a dividend of € 0.52 per listed Class A share for the 2014 financial year. The dividend for the Port Logistics subgroup is therefore € 0.07 higher than the previous year’s figure of € 0.45 per Class A share. This represents an increase of approximately 16 percent. The dividend payout ratio is equivalent to 69.7 percent of the net profit for the year after minority interests. Distributing a large proportion – between 50 and 70 percent – of the Group’s distributable net profit to shareholders remains a cornerstone of the company’s dividend policy. HHLA is distributing a total of € 36.4 million to holders of its dividend-entitled Class A shares.
The Annual General Meeting also resolved to distribute € 1.50 per Class S share for the unlisted Real Estate subgroup. This is equivalent to a dividend payout ratio of 60.9 percent and a total of € 4.1 million – an increase of approximately 20 percent on the previous year. All of the Class S shares are held by the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg. It will receive a total of almost € 30 million in dividends for its Class A shares and its unlisted Class S shares.
The shareholders formally approved the actions of both the HHLA Executive Board and the Supervisory Board during the 2014 financial year by 99.77 percent and by 98.97 percent of the votes cast respectively.
Over 900 shareholders and guests attended the Annual General Meeting of Hamburger Hafen und Logistik AG on 11 June 2015 at CCH Congress Center, Hamburg. 82.5 percent of the share capital was represented (previous year: 82.3 percent).
The voting results of the Annual General Meeting, the speech by the Chairman of the Executive Board, Klaus-Dieter Peters, and the accompanying presentation are available on the HHLA
website in the Investor Relations section under Annual General Meeting (www.hhla.de/en/investor-relations/ann-general-meeting).
The following photos are available for download on the HHLA website under ‘Press’, Photos & Films/Current Press Photos: http://hhla.de/en/photos-films/latest.html.
About HHLA
Hamburger Hafen und Logistik AG (HHLA) is a leading port logistics group in Europe. With its Container, Intermodal and Logistics segments, HHLA is positioned vertically along the transport chain. Efficient container terminals,
high-capacity transport systems and a full range of logistics services form a complete network between the overseas port and its European hinterland.