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Hapag-Lloyd Voted Top Shipping Brand in Germany

28 Apr 2017 08:24 Shipping News

Hamburg-based company prevails over 15 competitors

Hapag-Lloyd has taken first place in the “Best Logistics Brand” vote in the “shipping companies” category. To do so, the Hamburg-based liner shipping company beat out 15 industry competitors in a poll of readers of the logistics trade magazine “Logistik Heute” and experts from the German Logistics Association (BVL). The BVL and “Logistik Heute” honoured Hapag-Lloyd and the other winners in a total of 11 categories at a gala event held in Berlin on April 26.

“In our industry, the Hapag-Lloyd brand numbers among the best-known in the world. Since Hapag was founded in Hamburg in 1847, the brand has stood for reliability, professionalism, quality and know-how,” says Rolf Habben Jansen, the CEO of Hapag-Lloyd AG.

The candidates for this year’s vote included more than 170 brands drawn from those that have the highest turnover in Germany and are accordingly relevant to the market. The brands were nominated by an independent committee led by Christian Kille, Professor of Logistics at the University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt.

“The selection provides good insight into the brand environment of logistics, which has come to be the third-largest business sector in Germany,” stresses Thilo Jörgl, the editor-in-chief of “Logistik Heute.” Professor Thomas Wimmer, the Chairman of the BVL Executive Board, expands on this, saying: “Strong brands have strong visibility, and can significantly influence the image of an entire sector.”

Hapag-Lloyd Voted Top Shipping Brand in Germany

Press contact

Hapag-Lloyd AG
Rainer Horn
Phone: +49 40 3001-2291
Email: rainer.horn@hlag.com