>Hafen Hamburg
Water level
   28 expected vessels

Hapag-Lloyd invests in JadeWeserPort Wilhelmshaven

28 Sep 2021 09:17 Economy

Hapag-Lloyd will acquire a 30% stake in Container Terminal Wilhelmshaven (CTW) and 50% of the shares of Rail Terminal Wilhelmshaven (RTW) at JadeWeserPort. The terminal operator Eurogate continues to hold the remaining shares. The parties have agreed to not disclose the purchase price. Subject to approval by the antitrust authorities, contract closing is expected within a few months.

Hapag-Lloyd invests in JadeWeserPort Wilhelmshaven

Press contact

Tim Seifert
Phone: +49 40 3001 2291
E-mail: Tim.Seifert@hlag.com

Nikolas Fischer
Phone: +49 40 3001 2093
E-mail: Nikolas.Fischer@hlag.com