   30 erwartete Schiffe

Hamburg Süd with new Internet presence: Three new websites deliver target-group-specific information

13 Sep 2017 14:20 Shipping News

The Internet sites of the Hamburg Süd Group, the Hamburg Süd Line, and the Brazilian subsidiary Aliança are showcasing themselves in a new design. Content is clearly displayed and has been optimized for mobile end devices.
“With the new website the quality Hamburg Süd stands for can be experienced digitally,” explains Eva Graumann, Global Head of Corporate Communications, adding: “On the Line site, Hamburg Süd’s special business model, with offices and personal contacts in more than 100 countries, comes across clearly.”
The three websites provide target-group-specific content:
• The Hamburg Süd Group site features information on the structure of the shipping group, career opportunities, and sustainability. Under “Press & Media” press releases and downloads such as photos and information materials for media representatives are provided.
• The concrete product and service offerings of the Hamburg Süd liner activities are presented on the Hamburg Süd Line site. The roughly 50 liner services are clearly presented, and users can find country-specific information and contacts on over 100 national sites.
• The focus of the website of Brazilian subsidiary Aliança is on topics tailored to the South American market, such as “Cabotage” and “Mercosul.”
You can access the new websites at the following addresses:
Hamburg Süd Group: www.hamburgsud.com
Hamburg Süd Line: www.hamburgsud-line.com
Aliança: www.alianca.com.br

Hamburg Süd with new Internet presence: Three new websites deliver target-group-specific information

Press contact

Hamburg Süd
Christiane Krämer
Corporate Communications
Phone +49 40 3705-2284