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For the first time the report considers not only HPA’s action, but also the entire sustainable development in the Port of Hamburg

13 Dec 2019 12:48 Environment

With its sustainability report presented on Wednesday Hamburg Port Authority – HPA, has given an update on sustainable developments during 2017 and 2018. For the first time this report considers not only HPA’s action, but also the entire sustainable development in the Port of Hamburg. On the initiative of the Senate and under the patronage of the Ministry for Economics, Transport and Innovation – BWVI, a project group was founded with players from business and commerce.
Under HPA‘s leadership, over two years stakeholders have contributed, including  the Chamber of Commerce, Port of Hamburg company association, Hamburg industrial association, German shipbrokers’ assoc., Hamburg forwarders’ assoc., Hamburg logistics initiative, Port of Hamburg Marketing, as well as the Ministry for the Environment and Energy, die BWVI and the German trade union federation. The sustainability report provides a brief on the activities of both the named participants, but also in an extra section regarding sustainability achievements by HPA and its subsidiaries.
The sustainability strategy developed both for HPA and the entire port is based on the shared value approach that is reflected in the slogan: ‘Act efficiently, create value’. Above all, the sustainability report focuses on the social added value of the Port of Hamburg for the people in the city and region. In this context, responsible port management means above all to act creating value.
An important example for sustainable action in the Port of Hamburg is taken up in the report, namely the port railway. Through repeated and ongoing improvement of efficiency in train clearance, the added value was increased, but at the same time progressively conserving resources. Additionally, through proactive measures HPA has succeeded in reducing its 2018 CO2 footprint in comparison to 2012 by 50 percent. In sediment management too, HPA now has a recycling quota of 64 percent.
Applied to the whole port, the stakeholders have achieved a reduction of CO2 emissions by 100,000 tons annually. In addition, air pollution caused by transport has been reduced by shifting traffic onto water and fleet modernization. Moreover, those involved have identified work in the port as a significant aspect for sustainable action. When competing for qualified manpower and increasing the attractiveness of their fields and professions, good working conditions, intercultural openness and a healthy, secure working environment are decisive factors for success. The project group’s jointly formulated aim is that going forward too, the Port of Hamburg should be epitomized by the availability of high-grade, attractive workplaces within a social partnership framework.
“Going forward, we want the Port of Hamburg to be run sustainably and resiliently. The port should generate added value, without having a negative impact on the CO2 balance. In a nutshell, sustainable development involves the city and the port, a reduction of emissions and consumption, attractive workplaces and the development of the tidal Elbe as a nature conservation and economic region,” states Michael Westhagemann, Senator for Economics, Transport and Innovation.
“It’s really important for me that for the first time we are presenting a sustainability report for the whole port, worked on by all the important partners. Since, it is only together that we shall master the challenges of tomorrow,” says Jens Meier, CEO of HPA. “For us, sustainability also means making your own organization agile and high performance. A further key is to make our staff fit for change, e.g. by in-service training on digitalization. This will also ensure that a skills shortage will not become a business risk.”
The HPA report section has been scrutinized by Mazars accountancy firm. The sustainability report for the entire Port of Hamburg will be issued every two years going forward.
The sustainability report 2017/2018 can be immediately downloaded from HPA‘s Download Center under: www.hamburg-port-authority.de.

Act efficiently, create value – Port of Hamburg sustainability report issued

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Hamburg Port Authority AöR
Tel.: +49 40 42847-2300
E-Mail: pressestelle@hpa.hamburg.de