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   34 expected vessels

Fairway at the Carolabrücke partially navigable again

03 Feb 2025 14:08 Hinterland

The first vessel to pass through was a coupled convoy of the Czech shipping company Evropská vodní doprava-Sped. s. r. o. (EVD), consisting of the cargo motor vessel DICK and the push barge DICK 1. The convoy, loaded with a generator and fertilizers, departed from the port of Lovosice. This success was made possible by the joint efforts of businesses from Dresden, the Czech Republic, Saxon politicians, and the Elbe Alliance.

"The past few weeks have been very challenging for our ports. We rely on an efficient federal waterway, the Elbe. Therefore, we are pleased that limited traffic is possible again, but at the same time, we urge a swift full restoration," said Heiko Loroff, Managing Director of Sächsische Binnenhäfen Oberelbe GmbH.

Following the partial collapse of the Carola Bridge in Dresden on September 11, 2024, no ships were able to travel to or from the Czech Republic via the Elbe. Now, passage for cargo shipping is possible again, provided that transport is registered in advance with the Waterways and Shipping Authority.

However, the problems with the two remaining bridge sections persist. They are reportedly at acute risk of collapse and must be demolished. This means that further long-term closures of the Elbe as a federal waterway could occur at any time.

"As the Elbe Alliance, we therefore demand that the federal government, through its waterway administration, continues to play an active role in the process. In the event of a demolition, it must ensure that there is no repeat of such a prolonged closure of the Elbe. All available expertise must be utilized to find a swift solution to the problem—especially if the city of Dresden is overwhelmed by the situation," emphasized Roman Fürtig, Chairman of the Elbe Alliance. He added: "Nevertheless, today is a day of joy, as the Elbe is finally navigable again for cargo transport to the Czech Republic."

With this limited navigability, the Elbe as a federal waterway and international shipping route to the Czech Republic has at least been provisionally restored.

Fairplay at the Carolabrücke partially navigable again

Contact Person

    • Roman Fürtig

      Roman Fürtig

      Head of the Representative Office

      +49 351 6538 132


    • Ralf Johanning

      Ralf Johanning

      Press Officer

      +49 40 37709 113
