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Expansion of the Port of Orrskär

30 Aug 2023 13:31 Shipping News

  • Construction contract for expansion of Orrskär harbor awarded by Söderhamn municipality to construction company Peab AB.
  • SSHAB and Söderhamn Municipality also sign contract for port expansion.
  • SSHAB remains operator of the municipal ports in Söderhamn until 2078.

Brunsbüttel Ports GmbH has been the majority shareholder of Söderhamns Stuveri & Hamn AB (SSHAB) since March 2017, making it the operator and maritime logistics service provider at a total of six port terminals in the Söderhamn region, on the east coast of central Sweden. Since then, the forward-looking expansion of the Port of Orrskär, the company's largest and most important port, has been planned and driven forward in close cooperation with the Söderhamn municipality. The expansion includes the creation of a third berth and additional storage space of approximately 2 hectares.

In its role as owner of the port infrastructure, Söderhamn Municipality has now been able to award the construction contract to the construction company Peab AB. Plans call for construction of the new quay to begin as early as October of this year. As part of the expansion of the port, SSHAB plans to make further investments in the port's superstructure, including the purchase of a high-performance mobile harbor crane for the new berth. The aim is to make the handling of various goods more flexible and faster, thus making the port even more broadly positioned for the future and consolidating the universal port strategy.

The basis for the port expansion is a contract between the municipality of Söderhamn as owner of the port infrastructure and SSHAB as operator of the municipal ports, which was signed today at Söderhamn City Hall. In addition to the contractual arrangements for the port expansion, the contract also stipulates that the operation of the municipal ports will be carried out by SSHAB until 2078. This provides both sides with sufficient planning security for the upcoming investments in port infrastructure and superstructure. The previous operating agreement was valid until 2029.

"The strengthening of our Swedish locations and in particular the expansion of our largest Swedish port Orrskär is of highest interest for the SCHRAMM group.We are therefore very pleased that the first concrete construction measures for the long-planned port expansion are now being undertaken very promptly. Equally significant for us is the fact that we have been able to extend the contract for the operation of the municipal ports in Söderhamn until 2078.We have always emphasized that our commitment as SCHRAMM group in Sweden is planned for the long term.Therefore, today's signing of the contract is a big and important step for SSHAB and the entire SCHRAMM group with its large port and logistics network," emphasizes Frank Schnabel, Managing Director of Brunsbüttel Ports GmbH as well as Chairman of the Board of SSHAB.

"We have been aware of the need for development in Orrskär for a long time, and it is a good feeling that we can now carry out the expansion and secure the financing and operation of the ports through a long-term agreement.
The dialogue with the port company has been good throughout the process and we look forward to a long cooperation," underlines John-Erik Jansson, Mayor of Söderhamn Municipality.

"My thanks also go to the municipality of Söderhamn, which wishes to continue the development of its ports together with us in the long term.This testifies to the highest level of trust on both sides!" concludes Schnabel.

Brunsbüttel Ports and Söderhamn Municipality sign contract for the expansion of the Swedish port.

Press contact

SCHRAMM Ports & Logistics
Frank Schnabel
Phone: 04852-884-35
E-mail: f.schnabel@schrammgroup.de