18 May 2016 14:18 Personnel matters
Christian Jabs (37) took over the newly created position of Head of Sales at a Group level at IMPERIAL Logistics International on 1 May this year. In this role, he provides support for Richard Schroeter, who is responsible for the sales and marketing departments on the Management Board. In his position, Christian Jabs is mainly responsible for expanding the sales organisation. His main tasks involve coordinating the operational sales work, continuing to develop sales reporting, coordinating all the sales activities across the different business units and training new sales staff within the Group. The trained industrial clerk and graduate engineer previously worked in different management positions within the Group – most recently as Senior Manager for Business Developments within the Industrial business unit.
IMPERIAL Logistics International
As a wholly owned subsidiary of the South African company IMPERIAL Holdings Limited, IMPERIAL Logistics International is responsible for coordinating and managing all the international logistics business of IMPERIAL Holdings Limited outside Africa. The varied portfolio of services at IMPERIAL Logistics International, which has its headquarters in Duisburg, is separated into two divisions: the Group pools all its transport services in the Shipping and Road business units in the IMPERIAL Transport Solutions division. The IMPERIAL Supply Chain Solutions division covers all the services in the contract logistics, contract manufacturing and warehousing sectors for the Automotive, Industrial, Retail and Chemicals business units. Working together, both divisions provide a full and transparent range of services from one source along the complete supply chain. Beyond its pure logistics services, IMPERIAL Logistics International has also become established as a process consultant for third parties, a fleet manager for outside car and truck fleets and a provider of insurance services related to particular sectors. IMPERIAL Logistics International employs more than 7,500 people and generates turnover amounting to EUR 1.2 billion at 150 business locations.