06 Sep 2023 13:00 Hinterland
The "Albatros Express" network connects Central Europe on the north-south axis. DB Cargo subsidiary TFG Transfracht GmbH is responsible for this. With the new Denmark connection, this network is now being extended northward. Instead of being transported by road or feeder ship, the containers will travel north from the Maschen marshalling yard on the daily DB Cargo Scandinavia A/S trains. Current destinations of the freight trains are Taulov near Fredericia and Høje Taastrup. Other destinations are Aarhus, Esbjerg and Aalborg.
From now on, containers from the major ports of Hamburg and Bremerhaven, after unloading the ships, can be transported by freight trains to the north, with the destination Denmark. These transports save around 900 km of Co2 emissions compared with trucking.
A new Denmark connection expands the AlbatrossExpress network.
DB Cargo
Michael-Ernst Schmidt
Press Officer
Phone: +49 30 297 61180
E-mail: Michael-Ernst.Schmidt@deutschebahn.com