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7-8 December 2021: European Silk Road Summit 2021 in Amsterdam

04 Nov 2021 11:00 Hinterland

On 7 & 8 December 2021, RailFreight.com welcomes the rail freight industry in Amsterdam at the 5th-anniversary edition of the European Silk Road Summit.

Rail freight along the New Silk Road proved its efficiency by keeping the supply chains running during the pandemic. The industry acquired a more reliable and resilient profile, but new concerns and opportunities emerge as the New Silk Road develops. Rolling stock is not always available, and container prices fluctuate. What determines the container prices? What steps lie ahead for rail freight to reach stability and benefit from the competition?

At the European Silk Road Summit 2021, you will hear all the latest developments on the New Silk Road during an extensive and interactive programme. Part of the programme are presentations, interviews, panel discussions and workshops. The event also hosts an exclusive site tour to a rail freight location in the Amsterdam area.

We are expecting to welcome 300 rail freight professionals from the industry worldwide at the European Silk Road Summit 2021. We believe that it is time for the industry to meet again, thus the event offers many networking opportunities for you to get connected with your industry colleagues. Join our exclusive networking dinner to meet new business opportunities and connect with your old business relations!

Website: https://www.silkroadsummit.eu/
LinkedIn event: https://www.linkedin.com/events/europeansilkroadsummit20216848575204487155712/

If you’re not able to travel to Amsterdam it is also possible to join the event digitally via a livestream.

European Silk Road Summit 2021 in Amsterdam