>Hafen Hamburg
Water level
   23 expected vessels

Port of Hamburg Magazine 1.2024

Port of Hamburg Magazine 1.2024


The Port of Hamburg is colourful and diverse. You realise this when you see the many different professions and jobs that the port offers. Leafing through the current issue of the Port of Hamburg Magazine, I was fascinated by the commitment of the employees at the Port of Hamburg. Their motivation, commitment and team spirit are what make the port such a special place to work.

One of the main reasons for this high level of commitment is the modern working methods of employers in the port. They work hard to attract and promote new talent. In addition to modern workplaces, they are characterised by a high support ratio and attach great importance to the development of their future specialists and managers.



Magazine as page flip version

  • Dein Hafen Dein Job
    Magazine 1.2024

    Dein Hafen Dein Job

    The Port of Hamburg is as vibrant as it is diverse. This is especially clear when it comes to the many different professions and jobs the port offers.

Port of Hamburg Magazine 1.2024