>Hafen Hamburg
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Digital Transformation

Port of Hamburg Magazine: The digital Transformation

Digitalization is daily routine in many areas. The Port of Hamburg is one of these. Take HPA – Hamburg Port Authority as one fine example, they have installed sensors on the Köhlbrand Bridge to improve maintenance. These transmit all data to head office, where the state of the bridge is monitored. Should discrepancies occur, the experts set off and examine the relevant spot more closely. This example is part of a complete digital strategy developed by HPA. Jens Meier, Chairman of the Executive Board, explains in a fascinating interview how this looks. Enough said, and perhaps we can expect fewer traffic jams within a few years – at least in the port area.

Many start-ups that have found a new home in Hamburg aim to contribute here. Backed by the Ministry of Economics and HHLA, Digital Hub Logistics has expanded and now offers 3,200 square metres of space for 84 quite new companies in their initial phase. They are receiving support from up to 24 established companies.

Among these is also HHLA – Hamburger Hafen and Logistik AG, that with its HHLA Next, has founded a subsidiary intended as the group’s digital offshoot. That also involves investment in highly promising start-ups. You can learn how this functions in a meaty feature article.

It’s not only the port industry that is just now digitalizing its own processes. Shipping companies are also working at high pressure to gain a better overview of cargo. Hapag-Lloyd is one wonderful example.

Topics of issue 4.2022