Where the wind blows
With the German Offshore Industry Centre, Cuxhaven is positioning itself as the leading location for wind energy in Germany. ...
By Nicole de Jong
With roots in the oil and gas industry, Ingenion is now at the forefront of hydrogen infrastructure innovation. Today, the company’s activities are centred on three main business areas: Consulting, People and Hydrogen. With this focus, Ingenion is actively driving the transition towards a greener energy future.
"We are
on the
track"Marc Itgen
Head of Projects bei Ingenion
In the growth area of hydrogen, Ingenion develops sustainable hydrogen infrastructures and provides one-stop engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) services. “This includes the planning, construction and operation of hydrogen production facilities, refuelling stations and filling stations,” explains Marc Itgen, Head of Projects at Ingenion. Itgen cites the Turneo electrolysis project in Cuxhaven as a concrete example of hydrogen technology.
“Ingenion was instrumental in the development and realisation of a two-megawatt electrolysis plant for the production of green hydrogen,” he says. The hydrogen produced is used to power the Coastal Liberty transport vessel operated by gas and oil specialist Wintershall Dea. It now sails quietly, carbon-neutrally and in a more environmentally friendly manner, benefiting the inhabitants of the Wadden Sea ecosystem, among others. “With sustainable hydrogen solutions, such as this one for maritime applications, we can help shape the energy transition,” adds Ulf Lemke, Head of Hydrogen at Ingenion.
Hydrogen could play a key role in intralogistics or in ports that operate around the clock, whether in lorries, forklifts or other vehicles. Especially in 24/7 operations with 20 or more forklifts, the use of hydrogen holds considerable potential. Hydrogen vehicles can be refuelled in a matter of minutes, provide longer operating times and are not dependent on the availability of power connections. This makes them much more efficient than their diesel or battery- operated counterparts. “And the only thing they emit is water vapour,” he adds.
"With sustainable
hydrogen solutions
we can help
shape the
energy transition"Ulf Lemke
Head of Hydrogen bei Ingenion
Ingenion’s focus is not just on maritime projects. The company is currently working to develop a hydrogen infrastructure for a bus depot in North Rhine-Westphalia. “In about two years’ time, a whole fleet of buses will be running on green hydrohydrogen there,” he explains. The aim is for hydrogen to replace natural gas. But not everyone is or can be convinced. “Many are afraid of high costs and are therefore reluctant to invest,” explains Lemke. “Our concepts therefore provide clients with a clear overview of the financial implications associated with the implementation – both in terms of expenditure and potential income,” he adds.
Lemke points out to politicians that there is still potential to work on investment security for companies. The right strategies and climate targets are already in place at both the federal and EU level. As a company, we would like to see a faster pace of implementation and a better understanding of the importance of green hydrogen. A positive example is the recently adopted “Hydrogen Acceleration Act”. In addition to industry, the use of green hydrogen should also focus on mobility solutions for heavy-duty vehicles and public transport, for example – today’s ships and port vehicles can already run efficiently on hydrogen. Green electricity can be processed in many ways with hydrogen, which means that many processes that cannot be electrified can be made green with hydrogen.
"Hydrogen could play
a key role in intralogistics
or in ports that operate
around the clock,
whether in lorries,
forklifts or other vehicles."
As a family-run medium-sized company with around 50 employees, Ingenion has a clear focus on developing hydrogen infrastructure. The three business areas Consulting, People and Hydrogen work closely together and create synergies. Consulting offers a wide range of services, from project and quality management to planning and construction management, process optimisation, documentation and digitalisation.
This expertise flows directly into the development and implementation of the hydrogen projects in the Hydrogen business area. “People” ensures the availability of skilled workers and labour across all sectors. “The close intermeshing of our business areas enables Ingenion to implement complex projects in the best possible way, both technically and organisationally,” summarises Lemke.