>Hafen Hamburg
Water level
   21 expected vessels

Information event Braunschweig

"Sustainable Inland Navigation - In the Field of Tension between Market and Politics"

Event details

StartMarch 15, 2023, 4:00 pm
EndMarch 15, 2023, 10:00 pm
Type of eventInformation Event (Face-to-face)
OrganizerPort of Hamburg Marketing e.V.
Port of Hamburg Marketing e.V.



  • IHK Braunschweig

    Brabandtstr. 11

    38100 Braunschweig


The logistics region of Braunschweig is a relevant market for the Port of Hamburg and its associated companies. In particular, there are strong waterborne connections to transport goods sustainably between these two locations.

We would like to give you an outlook on the future role of inland navigation in the Port of Hamburg and which aspects of transport optimisation are being advanced in the port and hinterland. In addition to the performance of inland navigation, the general conditions will also be discussed. Questions about the positioning of politics as well as the innovative power of the sector will be in focus.

© Hans Blossey


Lena Püttschneider

Lena Püttschneider

Assistant Representative Office

Germany West
+49 201 999 5032 2