Christian Ulken
Market Research Manager, Port
Central Office
+49 40 37709 117
The handling of conventional general cargo (incl. RoRo) is a specialised handling area with correspondingly high added value in the port. Multipurpose terminals are predominantly used in this segment. The Port of Hamburg has no less than six of these, with the terminals of BLG Logistics Group, C. Steinweg, HHLA Frucht- und Kühlzentrum, Rhenus Midgard, Unikai and Wallmann & Co.
These goods are usually either too large, too heavy or both, or otherwise unsuitable to be handled in containers. In the tropical fruit sector, there has been a trend in recent years from transport in reefer ships with conventional handling to reefer containers in Hamburg. This shifted corresponding volumes into temperature-controlled containers, which meant that they were excluded from these statistics.
In 2023, the throughput of conventional break bulk was unable to match the previous year's strong performance. Regrettably, a decrease of 1.2 million tonnes was observed, but this was within the typical range of fluctuations and can be attributed to subdued demand conditions. Nevertheless, certain sectors, such as paper and motor vehicle imports, showed positive trends within this handling segment.
Market Research Manager, Port
Central Office
+49 40 37709 117