USS United Shipping Services AB
USS United Shipping Services AB
Branch Germany
Hohe Brücke 1 / Haus der Seefahrt
20459 Hamburg
+49 40 3690548 14
USS United Shipping Services AB (USS), based in Gothenburg, Sweden, is one of Europe's leading operational holding companies in liner agency and logistics . The USS Group includes over 80 companies in Scandinavia, the Baltic countries, Central Eastern Europe, the Balkans and South Africa. USS Group companies represent their own brand at local and regional level. As a holding company, USS coordinates and supports its local companies in the areas of administration, finance, information and communication technology. In Germany, USS is represented by a branch office in Hamburg.
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Transport services by
- Sea
Cargo types
- Break bulk
- Container
- Heavy Lift
Transport services by
- Sea
Cargo types
- Container
- Heavy Lift
- Break bulk