>Hafen Hamburg
Water level
   28 expected vessels

Shenzhen Port Association

Shenzhen Port Association

1501-1502/F.,Haian Centre, Binhe Road

518032 Shenzhen

China, PR

+86 755-83797293



Shenzhen is situated in the Pearl River Delta of the Chinese province Guangdong, 60 kilometers northeast from Macao and directly next to the Special Administrative Region Hong Kong.

Port of Hamburg’s cooperation with Port of Shenzhen has been in effect since July 2007. The Chinese port operates several container terminals belonging to the most advanced in the world, e.g. Yantian and Da Chan Bay. The biggest facility is Yantian International Container Terminals (YICT) with 18 berths along 8,212 meters length of quay and a total area of 4.17 square kilometers.

With a container throughput of 24.2 million TEU in 2016, Shenzhen took third place among the world’s Top 15 container ports. Container traffic between China and Hamburg came to 2.5 million TEU in 2016. As of today, there are eight liner services between the ports of Hamburg and Shenzhen.

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