>Hafen Hamburg
Water level
   31 expected vessels

NYK LINE (Deutschland) GmbH

NYK LINE (Deutschland) GmbH

NYK LINE (Deutschland) GmbH

Gorch-Fock-Wall 1a

20354 Hamburg


+49 40 334000



Nippon Yusen Kabushiki Kaisha is one of the world's leading transportation companies. At the end of March 2011, the NYK Group was operating 827 major ocean vessels, as well as fleets of planes, trains, and trucks. The company's shipping fleet includes 143 containerships, 344 bulk carriers, 57 woodchip carriers, 118 car carriers, 86 tankers, 29 LNG carriers, three cruise ships, and 47 other ships. NYK's revenue in fiscal 2010 was about $22 billion, and as a group NYK employs about 54,000 people worldwide. NYK is based in Tokyo and has regional headquarters in London, New York, Singapore, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Sydney, and Sao Paulo.

Company presentation from

Daten und Fakten

Services › Mehr Infos

Cargo types

  • Container
  • Heavy Lift
  • RoRo



Cargo types

  • Container
  • Heavy Lift
  • RoRo

Schiffe des Linienagenten (welche im letzten Jahr in Hamburg waren)