Museumshafen Oevelgönne e.V.

Museumshafen Oevelgönne e.V.
Anleger Neumühlen
22763 Hamburg
+49 40 419127 61
Located right on the main shipping channel, the Museumshafen Oevelgönne was founded in 1976 by a private, non-profit association which set itself the task of restoring former commercial vessels and keeping them afloat. These date largely from the period between 1880 and 1960 and were of exceptional significance for the north German region and the Port of Hamburg in terms of supply, infrastructure and the provision of services. They were undoubtedly jointly responsible for the economic success of the Hanseatic city.
Many of the ships anchored here were discovered as wrecks rotting away at remote locations, and most have been faithfully restored over years of painstaking labor, using historical literature, models and drawings.