DFDS Germany ApS & Co. KG

DFDS Germany ApS & Co. KG
Ostuferhafen 15
24149 Kiel
+49 431 209 76 556
DFDS is one of the leading shipping companies in northern Europe and offers also an extended route net in the Mediterranean Sea since 2018.
In Germany DFDS is represented by the DFDS Germany ApS & Co. KG in Kiel, Cuxhaven and Hamburg.
Beside passengers we can ship nearly all kind of cargoes on our several routes in the North and Baltic Sea as well as in the Mediterranean Sea.
Whether you are interested in the shipment of trailers, truck trailers, containers, machinery as well as high & heavy and project cargoes or in full/part loads in liner own containers or trailers – DFDS is your partner!
We welcome you on our homepage and looking forward to your request.
Company presentation from
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Transport services by
- Sea
Cargo types
- Break bulk
- Cars
- Container
- Heavy Lift
- RoRo
Vessels from DFDS Germany ApS & Co. KG, recently in Hamburg
Transport services by
- Sea
Cargo types
- Container
- Heavy Lift
- RoRo
- Cars
- Break bulk