Hafen Hamburg Marketing e.V. (HHM)
Pickhuben 6
20457 Hamburg
Phone | +49 40 37 709 0 |
Fax | +49 40 37 709 199 | | |
Legal status | Eingetragener Verein |
Head office | Hamburg |
Registered association | VR 10579 Amtsgericht Hamburg |
VAT identification number | DE118721560 |
Authorised representatives | Axel Mattern |
Press spokesman | Ralf Johanning |
Content, Concept, graphics, production, programming | Jochen Wischhusen, Heike Wegner, Matthias Grandis |

We welcome feedback, suggestions, and criticism at any time. Despite the utmost care taken in the preparation of information, we cannot assume liability for the completeness or accuracy of the information due to the technical characteristics of the internet. The displayed information may be stored and shared, provided it is not altered or distorted in any way. When forwarding or reproducing the information, the source must be acknowledged. Graphics and photographs are protected by copyright and may not be reproduced without the author’s permission, except for press photos and press kits made available for download. These may be used for publication in the press, provided the copyright holders are credited.
Liability for Content
The contents of our website, have been created with the greatest possible care. However, we cannot guarantee or accept liability for the accuracy, completeness, or timeliness of the content.
Our website contains both proprietary content and content provided by third parties, resulting in the following liability standards:
As a service provider, we are responsible under § 7(1) of the German Telemedia Act (TMG) for our own content according to general laws. For third-party content, our responsibilities are as follows: under §§ 8–10 TMG, we are not obligated as a service provider to monitor transmitted or stored third-party information. Liability in this regard arises only from the moment we become aware of a specific legal violation. Upon becoming aware of such legal violations, we will remove the offending content immediately.
Liability for Links
Our website contains links to third-party websites over which we have no control. Therefore, we cannot accept any liability for their content. Responsibility for the content of linked sites lies solely with the respective provider or operator of those sites. We have reviewed the linked pages for potential legal violations at the time of linking and found no apparent violations. Without specific evidence of a legal violation, continuous monitoring of linked content is not feasible. Should we become aware of any legal violations, such links will be promptly removed.
Disclaimer for Third-Party Content
Ship arrivals, ship position data, construction site notifications on the port map, company profiles in the port contact (Hafenbranchenbuch), and news are partially third-party content.
Hafen Hamburg Marketing has no influence over third-party content and therefore expressly disassociates itself from all such content, particularly from linked, embedded, or otherwise connected sites. Responsibility for illegal, erroneous, or incomplete content, and especially for damages arising from the use or non-use of such content, lies solely with the provider of the respective linked site or the party who entered the information.