Page 35 - Port of Hamburg Magazine - 01.19
P. 35

what are known as ‘software agents’, such sys- tems can also be given a measure of intelligence. They recognize their environment, can mutually communicate within pre-defined limits, and autono- mously take decisions. In future, with machine-to- machine communication, fewer central control measureswillberequiredforlogisticsprocessesat terminals. Autonomous systems will negotiate ac- tions among themselves with a defined aim in mind, controlling these decentrally and optimizing use of resources.
To reduce emissions, more low- or no-emission transport, storage and handling technology will come to be used at container terminals. This will in- clude electrification of vehicles and other technical systems, clean power supply to ships and use of al- ternative fuels towards achieving emission-free ter- minal operation.
The container terminal of the future will be a high-per- formance, automated logistics motor. In mutual coordi- nation, autonomous emission-free systems will inde-
pendently run transport, operations. Logistics pro- cesses will be synchro- nized, everything will sim- ply flow. The immense flexibility of decentralized control will permit forward- looking, independent reac- tion to any deviations from plan. Humans will super- vise and take the strategic decisions, intervening in emergency or unusual situ- ations, and ensuring main- tenance and further deve- lopment of these complex technical systems. ■
handling and storage
  Prof. Dr.-Ing. Carlos Jahn
Head of the Institute of Maritime Logistics at Hamburg University of Technology
Head of the Fraunhofer Center for Maritime Logistics and Services CML
                 Port of Hamburg Magazine | March 2019 | 35
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