Page 7 - Annual Report 2019
P. 7

Page 7
 Report by the Supervisory Board Chairman
Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Members,
On behalf of the Supervisory Board of Port of Hamburg Marketing – HHM, I wish to inform you about our work in 2019 as the year under review. We performed with the utmost care the duties requi- red of us as the Supervisory Board by law and our Articles of Association. In close and trusting coope- ration with the management of the Association, we regularly advised the Executive Board and continual- ly monitored its conduct of business.
The Supervisory Board also gave comprehensive consideration to the Association’s operative and stra- tegic development. We identified joint showcasing at the transport logistic -tl – trade fair in Munich, the Chinese government’s Belt and Road Initiative or BRI, hinterland services and the adjustment of the Elbe fairway as the main factors influencing our stra- tegic approach. HHM organized a meeting with all its fellow-exhibitors prior to joint showcasing at tl in Munich. The BRI, or New Silk Road, was one of the keynote topics at HHM’s internal strategy meeting held in Hamburg at the end of January 2019.
The Supervisory Board held four meetings in 2019. These took place in February, May, September and November and were notable for a frank and inten- sive exchange of views between the Executive and Supervisory Boards. Wherever the law, Articles of
Association and/or the Agenda made the assent of the Supervisory Board essential for specific measu- res, an appropriate resolution was passed.
Members of the Supervisory Board regularly pre- pared themselves for decisions on Executive Board measures requiring its assent on the basis of docu- ments made available in advance by the Executive Board. Apart from these meetings, I as Supervisory Board Chairman also remained in close personal dialogue with the Executive Board. Recurring topics in the regular meetings were the Executive Board report on the Association’s financial position, the situation on membership, and the current activities and projects of both the Head Office and the repre- sentative offices. The Executive Board furnished information on the current market and competitive situation.
At the meeting on 12 February 2019, the Exe- cutive Board reported at length on the activities and events planned for Hamburg and the repre- sentatives’ regions. The meeting on 14 May 2019 focussed on the new rail service from Cologne to Hamburg. Many of HHM’s activities concern the hinterland links and transfer of freight from roads to waterways and rail. The BRI – New Silk Road
– was also discussed. In addition, the Executive Board presented the 2018 Annual Report, which was unanimously endorsed.
Thomas Lütje
Chairman of the Supervisory Board
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